As well as creating demand through strong creative and large-scale reach, social media now enables consumers to instantly purchase what they see on their screens

For many of us today, we’re just as likely to buy something online as in a physical shop. E-commerce has consistently grown and developed over the last 10 to 15 years and it appears this trend is set to continue. With the likes of Amazon setting new standards all the time, we’ve never expected more from our e-commerce experiences. Over the same period, social media has exploded and now plays a significant role in our digital lives. [caption id="attachment_134921" align="alignnone" width="939"] [Image Source][/caption]Social media has revolutionized the way we consume information, communicate with friends and experience the world. In fact, we’re so…

Chart of the Week: The majority of marketers find influencer marketing to be an effective strategy, but it doesn’t come without its challenges

Influencer marketing has become a popular tactic for a number of brands, whether they’re using well-known names or micro-influencers. In fact, according to new research from Mediakix, 80% of marketers find influencer marketing to be an effective strategy. Almost half of marketers (45%) said they find influencer marketing effective, with a further 35% saying they find it very effective. In comparison, only 5% said influencer marketing was an ineffective tactic, while15% were neutral on the topic. This suggests that getting your influencer marketing campaign right - finding the right people to work with, promoting the best products or services and having them share content across channels that suit your audience – can help you…

Forget all other social media platforms - If you run a B2B business, LinkedIn can be a treasure-trove for you

With more than 500 million users present on LinkedIn, of which, 61 million users are senior-level influencers, 40 million users are decision makers and around 7 million users are C-level executives, it is without a doubt a B2B marketer’s dream. Around 94% of B2B marketers out there are already making use of the platform to showcase their expertise, generate leads and make a tonne of sales. But are they doing it well? If you are experiencing sub-par results from your marketing efforts on LinkedIn or haven’t yet started your marketing journey on the platform then this post is just for you. I have mentioned some actionable steps below that you can take to put your LinkedIn…

Video is thought to be one of the best forms of content when it comes to generating engagement and leads

Over the last few years, video has been all the rage in social media marketing. In fact, video is pretty much taking over the Internet as a whole. It is expected that as early as 2020, online videos will make up over 80% of all consumer internet traffic and even more so in certain countries in the world (for example, 85% in the US). Video is thought to be one of the best forms of content when it comes to generating engagement and leads. So, how can you start leveraging video in your marketing strategy, particularly on social media? In this blog post, I’m going to show you how to create amazing social media videos that get results. [si_guide_block id="13290" title="Download our Premium Resource – Social media marketing…

While some word of mouth marketing is completely organic, you can also make a targeted effort to boost word of mouth and get more people talking about and promoting your brand

Word of mouth marketing has always been hailed by marketing experts as one of the most effective marketing strategies, way before the existence of social media and digital marketing in general. There’s a simple reason for that: people trust other people more than they could ever trust a brand. Think of it this way: are you more likely to try a product if a trusted friend recommended it to you, or if you can see dozens of positive reviews from regular people? Or are you more likely if you saw a few well-placed posts from a brand? [si_guide_block id="26078" title="Download our Premium Resource – Affiliate marketing strategy guide" description="This guide explains the opportunities of affiliate marketing. It is aimed at owners or managers…