Chart of the Day: What are the most difficult email marketing tactics to implement? ~ Part 2 of 2
Last week we discussed the most effective email marketing tactics. This week we look at the opposite side of the coin at the most difficult tactics to use.
What are email marketers finding difficult?
In the chart below, email marketers are struggling with list segmentation (42%) the most. Testing and optimization (38%) come in second. Keep heart my little email geeks, you can do it!

It's complex - but why?
Some of the most difficult strategies are the hardest to implement. That's not a surprise. But why are email marketers struggling? Is it because there is a:
- lack of knowledge?
- missing infrastructure?
- lack of support within the business?
- lack of time?
Let's break it down
List segmentation
To correctly segment data, you need just that - data. And correct data at that. Which is a lot harder than it would seem. Getting members to enter correct data, then to keep that data up to date is an entire strategy in itself. After we have the data correct, what do we actually do with it? Are you just going to segment the list for different email send? Or start looking at personas?
Testing and optimization
When should you test? What should you test? How are you going to optimize? If done correctly, with a strategy in place, it will take a large amount of time. A/B testing emails require 2 emails, so more work and time will be involved. And that is simple testing. For conclusive results, you need to conduct your tests over a period of time to gain conclusive results. Again this takes time and planning.
Final thoughts
We have discussed previously how email marketing is a job where you can wear many hats. Being an expert in all the skills is impossible. So when a request for something out of our comfort zone appears, it can be overwhelming. Not to mention the time factor; email marketers especially have very little spare time. This is why planning every test, segment or campaign is so important.