How the ‘7 fascination triggers’ will help viewers engage with your brand

Video is a great new way to communicate your business to the world. Imagine you have found a great production company to help you create shiny, amazing video content. And you have set a filming date and allocated a reasonable budget to make sure you get it right. But you have no idea what message you want to get across - or what you’re going to film. The ‘7 fascination triggers’ is a useful tool to help you work out how best to tailor your strategy to elicit the desired response from your target markets.

So what does it take to be fascinating?

How can you grab your audience’s attention and hold it long enough for your message to be heard loud and clear? The key, according to Sally Hogshead, is to have an understanding of…

Key points to implement an effective global SEO strategy

Ecommerce sales are set to exceed $1trillion next year (according to Goldman Sachs) and, in the current economic climate, many businesses are considering exporting their goods and services abroad. However, going global can be daunting. The process of localising and optimising your website for overseas territories requires careful consideration before you launch your SEO strategy. Here are the top 10 common multilingual SEO mistakes to be avoided……….

1 Using the wrong keywords

The keyword a person in your domestic market might use to search for a specific product may not necessarily be a literal translation of the keywords or phrases used by buyers in other countries. Despite this being the most basic of errors, it is one people continue to make. Do not translate your keywords and don't forget to research new target markets…

It’s quick, cheap, personal, high impact: Are you taking full advantage of SMS?

SMS is immediate and easy for senders and recipients - making it an ideal communication tool to build loyalty and acquire new customers quickly and cheaply. Disappointingly, the 2012 Adestra and Econsultancy Email Marketing Industry Census found only 13% of those surveyed combined email and SMS to deliver their marketing messages - what a missed opportunity!

SMS communication leverages mobile phone ubiquity

How far away is your mobile phone from you right now? My guess is it’s going to be close by; either on the desk next to you or in your handbag or pocket. How often do you check your phone? As soon as you hear it, every half an hour or so, or every hour; depending on what you are doing? Do you ever go anywhere without your mobile?…

A step-by-step approach to identify and attract visitors with higher intent to purchase

In part 1, Why your conversion rate is lying to you, I explained why using average conversion rate to measure the performance of search campaigns paints a misleading picture of search success (or failure). Search traffic (both organic and paid) has a mixed potential for convertibility which dictates that you can reasonably expect visitors with different likelihood to convert to exhibit different behaviour. While that theory has legs (please leave your thoughts in the comments if you agree and especially if you disagree), Part 1 did not answer the question: How do you actually use people-focused analytics to identify visitors by potential for conversion? So let's explore this further.

Intent dictates the reason for visit

Visitor intent dictates reason for visit and as a byproduct, the potential for conversion. If the visitor is there for a completely different reason (like a customer seeking…
While researching for a presentation I was delivered for a client, I found these two videos from the Google Inside Search website which really made me sit back and realise how much the web, technology, marketing, and human interaction with technology has evolved, even in my relatively short career its has drastically moved forwards. We have all no-doubt seen the Social Media Revolution video from Socialnomics which is as equally as eye opening as these two videos (below) in terms of highlighting the potential of the internet as it stands in 2012 and looking forwards.

Evolution of Search

This short video from Google has highlighted to me just how much the web has changed, because we have adopted technology into our lives so heavily now it is easily forgotten that…

Six top tips for ensuring a harmonious agency:client relationship

Getting an agency or freelancer in to take care of your content marketing strategy can bean excellent way to get fresh ideas and expertise for your marketing strategy, as well as freeing-up your internal team. However, relationships between clients and their external partners often require careful management and mutual understanding. Here are six absolute musts to achieving a harmonious working agency: client relationship:

1.     Determine what you need and set clear objectives

One of the biggest challenges for any content agency or freelancer arises when a client doesn’t really know what they want, but has a very clear idea of what they don’t want. To some extent, freelancers will be familiar with this and many have honed a technique to get the right information out of their clients. This doesn’t mean, however, that you can rely…

How to answer common objections about the value of social campaigns

I was working with a business a few weeks ago that wanted some help with its social campaigns. Its latest campaign produced  disappointing interaction levels. And, because of the campaign’s failure to attract a significant following, the business was tempted to pull out of social media altogether and focus on other areas - at least until people in their vertical market sector were deemed to be 'ready for social'.

Disappointing social campaign results can prompt good questions

The failure of the campaign prompted some interesting questions, such as; “Did the business’s potential clients (people working in hospitals / health care) have the ability and inclination to access social networks.“ “Was it feasible to be 'friends' with businesses? Was it possible that customers didn't want to form this kind of relationship with a business entity?” Finally, the business outlined…

How to convert more B2B prospects

 In the entire history of business you have never been able to access as much data as you can now, thanks to the plethora of analytics programs around. And, today you can find out more about your customers than you could a few months ago - because analytics software is constantly being upgraded. In fact, companies are now swimming with so much data that analysing it in any meaningful way is often too difficult.

Which vital data is unavailable from analytics?

According to the business intelligence company, BuiltWith, Google Analytics is by far the most popular service; used by just under half the top one million websites worldwide. Google Analytics presents each site with thousands of pages of up-to-date information covering every aspect of their current and historical website use - in other words, what people did. There is, however,…

This video does it well we think

Earlier in the year, I described how consumer brand Burberry communicate their vision for how they seek to use social and digital media to transform their company. Recently, I’ve seen another good example from B2B technology hardware and services company EMC (See their Social @EMC hub). Take a look; it’s tackling the tough job of convincing sceptical employees who ask “what’s the point” in a light-hearted way. As you can see, it shows that social media is nothing new, simply that technology now helps us to communicate in a way we always have, since the time of the caveman and cavewoman... I found out about this video on the blog of Keith Paul (@Kempipa), the “Chief Listener” at EMC. It’s an interesting blog, if you’re working in a large company and dealing with big company issues. In this …