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Google Adwords Remarketing – what is it and how to use it best?

Author's avatar By Chris Soames 10 Mar, 2011
Essential Essential topic

What is Google Adwords Remarketing?

Remarketing within Google is a specific use of the wider Google Display (formerly content) network (learn more about the content network). When remarketing is set up & configured it allows you to target people that visited your website with adverts on other website which have opted into displaying adverts from the Display Network. Check out this video from Google which outlines just how remarketing works...

Some further reading can be found here if you are interested : Google Remarketing

Is it worth the time & effort?

The answer is yes but as with everything in life it comes with a few 'but's"... It has to be configured correctly, what I mean by this is:

  1. You HAVE to define & segment your audience
  2. You have to be intelligent about how you use it, take the time to consider your options
  3. Remember that this isn't your only tool for remarketing

Clearly being able to target people that have already been on your website in other areas of the web is going to be a powerful way to re-attract traffic and increase your brand exposure. Consider the following questions before you decide to create your campaigns:

  • What made them leave your website in the first place? price, lack of content, out of stock products...
  • Have you fixed the likely issues?
  • Are there clear sections & journeys on your website which will help you segment your audience?

How could I use it?

The ideas below obviously don't apply to every website but I hope I have covered enough so that at least one is relevant for your website. If you would like some further help why not ask me the question on the Smart Insights LinkedIn discussion group.

  • Product page exits - Offer a discount or free postage in your adverts for the specific product
  • Checkout exits - As above
  • Recent Purchases - Ask for feedback in return for voucher or freebie
  • Recent Purchases - Upsell / On sell adverts
  • Recent Purchases - Ask for referral in return for voucher or freebie
  • Viewed promotions - Reminder of promo end dates

I am sure there a million & one other ways of using this service, but hopefully the above will get you thinking on how you can implement in your business?

Are there any Privacy concerns when using this service?

There are naturally concerns over the use of cookies to track users activity across the web and using this data to the market to them. At the moment however this service is completely legal and therefore should be considered as a tactic in your paid search & conversion strategy. One thing I would personally recommend is setting the cookie to the right length, do you really need to interrupt your customers with adverts everyday for 30days or will 7 be enough? Think beyond traffic & impressions and consider how your brand will be perceived.

Unless you can guarantee that seeing your advert on various websites will genuinely add value to the user or that the user only uses the net once a week I struggle to see why you would set it more than 7days?

Some more advice / quality reading on Google Remarketing:

Have you used Google remarketing, successfully or not? Please let me know your thoughts below or at our LinkedIn Group!

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By Chris Soames

Chris Soames is a Smart Insights blogger and consultant, he has worked in digital marketing for over 6 years with the last few years managing international web strategies for a leading travel brand. Now the Commercial Director at First 10, an Integrated marketing agency, he helps clients get clarity on their marketing strategy and create campaigns engineered to engage with their consumers to help drive sell-through. Most of all, Chris enjoys working with talented people who want to create great (& commercial) things not just tick boxes.

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