How to build a personal brand as a marketer: 7 effective tactics for personal brand building

As a marketer, building a personal brand can have a great impact on your success. Even if you work for a company, building your personal brand will prove a great benefit to your company as much as it will be to you. With a trusted personal brand, you have a unique position in your industry, the ability to influence a bigger audience and turn many of them into customers. As former Google CEO Eric Schmidt said, "Brands are the solution, not the problem. Brands are how you sort out the cesspool." But how do you build your personal brand as a marketer? In this blog post, discover 7 effective tactics you can start using today.

1. Understand your target audience

Trying to please everybody is the fastest way to pleasing no one. Therefore, you have to understand…

Insights, tips and advice on personal branding from Rita Clifton CBE

For many people within the marketing world, Rita Clifton is regarded as one of the definitive ‘brand gurus’. Her authority in the field of branding is impressive, with previous roles including Vice Chairman at Saatchi & Saatchi and London CEO and Chairman of global brand consultancy Interbrand.  However, whilst Ms Clifton’s expertise has been dedicated to building corporate brands, I was interested to hear her talk recently about how these brand-building skills can be applied to ourselves.  As digital marketers, it’s becoming increasingly important to identify and exploit a point of difference. While some of us may specialize in a particular area, others may take on a broader, more overarching role. Whatever field we work in, it’s essential for us to make it clear to others what…

Following the Gillette and Nike controversies, is it possible to showcase your brand's attitudes to societal and political issues without backlash?

Consumer mindset has evolved and we are now more conscious of the things that we are buying and the brands we are buying from than ever before. With more than half of Britons thinking that brands have a responsibility to society, they can no longer simply rely on having a well-performing or cheap product offering to entice customers. Brands increasingly need to showcase their attitudes towards society in their marketing strategy, but is it easy to do without causing controversy and disrupting the status quo of your audience’s buying habits? [si_guide_block id="50995" title="Download our Business Resource – Brand storytelling guide" description="This guide helps you explore the fundamentals of developing powerful authentic brand stories. Narratives demonstrate product or service applications, strengthen loyalty, and establish your brand as a trusted…

Like it or not, at one point or another you’ll probably have to deal with a negative customer comment that’s been published online

Did you know, as many as 94% of customers say that a negative review convinced them not to do business with a brand? We can’t underestimate the importance of online reputation management. Like it or not, at one point or another you’ll probably have to deal with a negative customer comment that’s been published online. This means you need to learn how to respond to such criticism. After all, it’s vital you react to these comments in a timely and thought-out manner, as this is the only way you can adequately protect your online reputation. [si_guide_block id="5768" title="Download our Individual Member Resource – Social media marketing strategy guide" description="Our social media strategy guide will help you create an integrated social media marketing strategy that shows you how…

Chart of the Week: 64% of consumers are now belief-driven buyers who want brands to deliver on societal issues, as well as products

We all know that trusting a brand increases the chances of a customer buying from it. Building trust turns customers into advocates, providing priceless word-of-mouth marketing. On top of this, brand trust means customers keep coming back, which is hugely beneficial considering the fact that customer retention is cheaper than acquisition. But exactly what does brand trust mean to customers and how can it impact their decision making? Today, brand trust is everything to customers, meaning that once you’ve lost it, you’ve likely lost them. [si_guide_block id="50995" title="Download our Business Resource – Brand storytelling guide" description="This guide helps you explore the fundamentals of developing powerful authentic brand stories."/] In fact, according to Edelman’s latest research, businesses are trusted even more than governments, showing…

Nano-influencers are an amazing alternative to micro-influencers as they have in-person relationships with the majority of their community

The days when only big dogs like Calvin Klein and Glossier could afford influencer marketing are far behind us. Today, nano-influencers, a new breed of opinion leaders, allow both popular and emerging brands to get business results without spending much of their marketing budget. [si_guide_block id="115521" title=“Access our Quick Win – How to set up a micro-influencer campaign" description="Our micro e-learning course covers everything you need to know about micro-influencer marketing and how to get started with your influencer campaign"/] In 2019, there’s no need to be a world-known celebrity to affect consumer buying behaviour. With a great number of sponsored posts on Instagram, modern customers trust real and authentic personalities more than ever, so it’s no wonder that ‘nano-influencers’ campaigns are on the rise. Nano-influencers — those who are common social media users with less…

Facebook's Community Standards update, New brand loyalty research, new playable Facebook ads, consumer views on Netflix advertising and Twitter's new live stream with guests feature

This week, Facebook has updated us on how it is enforcing its Community Standards with its third report. The report includes new data in a bid to make sure its enforcement is more transparent. New research has revealed that brands who form emotional relationships with customers are likely to see better brand loyalty, showing that the human element and storytelling really do benefit companies. Facebook has launched its new playable ads, aimed at providing users with a trial of advertised mobile games. As Coca-Cola announces working with Netflix on Stranger Things season three, a study has found that most subscribers are totally against ads being added to the video streaming service. Finally, Twitter has announced a new feature. Those who live stream will now have the opportunity to add audio-only…

When influencer marketing and branded content work together, both sides benefit in the end

Influencer marketing and branded content: They’re useful tools on their own, but they are far more effective within a strategy that treats them as complementary pieces of a stronger whole. Unfortunately, advocates for influencer marketing and branded content tend to see one another as adversaries. The first group champions influencer marketing’s ability to give a brand street cred with third-party associations. As little as people sometimes trust brands, an endorsement from an influencer can go a long way toward building audience trust, and for niche audiences and micro-influencers, the effect is even more pronounced. [si_guide_block id="27934" title="Download our Individual Member Resource – Influencer outreach guide for marketing professionals" description="This practical guide shows you how to use tools to find and interact with influencers on the best social media platforms for outreach, that’s Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and more."/] Lovers of branded content, however, believe that…

If your brand logo or brand message is not connecting with your ideal consumers, the chance of brand recall in the future are slim

Branding is equivalent to telling a story, a story that resonates with your ideal buyers. Visuals form the core of this storytelling. In other words, visual branding is the first step to building a successful brand image and developing your business. First impressions matter and this rings true even with visual branding. If your brand logo or brand message is not connecting with your ideal consumers, the chance of brand recall in the future are slim. There are many examples of branding going haywire and the reasons can be anything - a bad logo or poor brand name or inconsistent visuals, and so on. While each brand has a different story, there are a few little design errors that every brand should avoid.

1. Creating a controversial logo

A logo is…

When your employees fail to understand your brand identity, it is nearly impossible to communicate it effectively to your consumers

Establishing a strong brand identity is like building a healthy relationship - you have to believe in yourself before anyone else can do the same. However, getting your sales team, customer service team and every other department on the same page can easily become an uphill battle. When your employees fail to understand your brand identity, it is nearly impossible to communicate it effectively to your consumers. [si_guide_block id="109627" title="Download our Premium Resource – Brand vision and identity playbook" description="This playbook will enable you to define your branding approach. Branding expert Debbie Inglis explains a structured approach to review and define your brand identity to make it more appealing to customers."/] To make matters worse, it only takes a single slip-up to lose your customers forever. A simple disconnect between your stated values and the…