Chart of the Day: Conversion rates of online shoppers by device and platform
Data based on more than 1.9 billion shopping sessions collected by Monetate, clearly shows 'traditional' (desktop) web users still have conversion rates more than triple that of those browsing on Smartphones.
It is interesting though that tablet e-commerce conversions are only very slightly behind desktop conversion rates. It seems screen size does have an impact on conversions, since people don't want to fill out fiddly payment details on Smartphone screens. This may mean new tools, like chatbots, can change the mobile user experience and make conversion much simpler. By removing the need to complete complex forms they could lead to a big leap in mobile conversion rates in the coming year.

It's also interesting to look at conversion rates by device, where Mac leads with Windows close behind. The Chrome OS, which runs on Chromebook is also a strong contender here.