Using re-brandable digital marketing tools and templates can help small marketing agencies and consultants compete with the bigger players - here's how

The concept behind white labeling/private labeling in marketing is simple. It's a business arrangement in which one company produces goods or services, and another company rebrands them as their own and offers them to their customer base. The big benefit of white labeling in marketing is that it allows agencies and consultancies an easy way to quickly expand their service offerings to their clients, without having to develop marketing specialisms in-house. With the ever-increasing demands for specialization and the emergence of new marketing technologies, it can be a daunting task to keep up. So, partnering with a trustworthy and reputable specialized service provider is a popular solution enabling marketing agencies and consultancies to offer their expertise under your agency's name and brand. To consider: Within this B2B transaction, there is an underlying…

How to select the best digital and traditional marketing channels from 30+ alternatives

Small businesses have particularly limited resources whether it is people or budget, so it's crucial to select the most cost-effective communications to invest in. That means, free and low-cost marketing channels. In this guide, we will help you identify the best channels to use using two simple frameworks, so that you're not starting with a blank piece of paper or screen and can work through the options. We'll review both online and offline techniques starting with 30+ channels to consider and then at the end, as a summary we'll help you zoom in on the top 5 to make it more manageable.

Using the Marketing Bullseye to select marketing channels

The Bullseye was recommended by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Maiers in their book Traction, a nice hook to show the challenges of gaining visibility online to drive customer acquisition. Justin…

Marketing is crucial for businesses of all shapes and sizes, no matter your budget size. Read on to find out more about digital marketing for startups

Interested in digital marketing for startups? So you recently started a business. Or maybe you have a small business that you’re trying to get off the ground and running. Of course, now you need to start getting the word out about your start-up. The great news is, digital marketing is highly accessible to businesses of all shapes and sizes, no matter your budget size. But digital marketing is really wide. If you know nothing about it, you can easily get lost in the noise, which means you can waste your efforts and have little results to show for it. On the other hand, if you do digital marketing the right way, you can increase your customer base, survive, and even thrive as a business. To get the right results,…

If you're planning to launch or grow your SME in 2021, discover 5 small business marketing strategies to accelerate your growth from startup to long-term stability

Launching a start-up can be an exhilarating experience. However, there's a difference between launching an enterprise and being able to grow a small business so that it becomes a long-term success. The key to success is ensuring your small business marketing activity is working efficiently and effectively to build an audience for you.

If small business marketing was easy, everyone would be successful first time. Oftentimes what happens is that when a startup is launched, its founders tend to get overzealous with their efforts to monetize its products and services, while failing to build a solid foundation from which the startup can actually be a viable company in the future.

While running a small business presents many unique challenges,…

SMEs need to choose a CRM that is easy to use and will grow with their business - without additional costs

A good customer relationship management system is vital. Whether you're a large enterprise with multiple products, integrated marketing and sales teams, and have thousands of monthly customers or are a small start-up wanting to better understand your customer journey and nurture a small number of leads, a CRM that grows with you is just as important as having a winning business strategy or an optimized PPC campaign. Understanding how your customers interact with your brand, how you interact with your customers and how it all fits together in a succinct and integrated customer lifecycle, will help every size company manage and analyze customer interactions and data. [si_guide_block id="82510" title="Download our Free Resource – How to avoid these 10 SMB digital marketing mistakes" description="This short guide will show you how to make the most of digital…

Have you ever been questioned on how you can drive more organic traffic to your website? Or been asked to provide KPIs for what you can achieve with SEO efforts in the next 6-12months?

Haven’t we all. But before we begin to answer questions of that sort, it is important to understand, as well as explain to management, what SEO actually means and how it works. Rest-assured what you are about to read is not something I’ve based on reading online only. It is based on actual experiences throughout my SEO career (in-house and agency side), through tested methods. Let’s begin with what a small website is.

[si_guide_block id="5750" title="Download our Premium Resource – Successful SEO Guide" description="This guide is one of our most popular and rightly so. If you get it right, SEO can be a fantastic, relatively low-cost way to drive quality visitors who want to do business with you to…

Startup company growth needs effective and easily accessible digital tools and resources

Over the past few years, we have seen a significant increase in the number of startups that can be seen as a fresh alternative to working in corporations. This is due to their creators’ desire to be independent and run their own company, but also due to changes taking place in the business culture, rapid technological development and most of all, easy access to tools that help grow and manage firms effectively. As a matter of fact, every startup company supporting relevant software and digital sources can build a strong marketing campaign and grow business all by itself. Looking for tools to conduct startup business, entrepreneurs are drawing attention to some of their common features: • Easy availability • Low-cost or free • Accelerating work • Integrated with other tools SaaS…

Position tracking for small businesses made easy through SEO tools

Search engine optimization (SEO): in this day and age, you're simply not going to get anywhere without it. No matter what line of work you're in, it's almost a guarantee that you're going to use the internet, and this fact has made it even more important to know how to use SEO to drive visitors to websites and front doors. Thankfully, because of how connectivity is so widespread, there's no dearth of tools to support the SEO efforts of business owners.

The features you need

Nowadays any small business or online agency can run their own SEO campaigns or take on projects on behalf of other companies. SEO has come a long way since the black-hat days of keyword stuffing, though; working your website up the search results ladder into that coveted top spot requires a steady hand on the tiller and…

How AI is revolutionizing e-commerce even for small businesses

If you attended any digital marketing or eCommerce conferences this year then you know that artificial intelligence is one of the hottest topics around. Speakers are talking about it, vendors are selling it, and attendees are just trying to keep up. If you walk away from the AI discussions because they’re too complex or not right for your brand, then you’re missing out. [si_guide_block id="18204" title="Access Business Resource - Multichannel retail proposition audit and competitor benchmarking template" description="Review the effectiveness of E-commerce propositions using this Excel spreadsheet"/] AI solutions are easier to use and apply to your eCommerce business than ever. Let’s dispel the myths around artificial intelligence to find out how this tool can benefit your business. You don’t need the budget of a national retailer like Yankee Candle Company to wow your customers with artificial intelligence. …

A quick guide to small business SEO

There are more than 28 million small businesses in the United States alone, and they account for 99.7% of all businesses in the country. Are you among them? If the answer is yes, you know just how challenging it is to rise to the occasion and beat your competitors in the battle for customers. In the 21st century, the battlefield is online – between 70 and 80% of people claim they research a company before choosing to do business with them. Evidently, in order for a small business to thrive, it has to boost its online influence. Still, no more than 17% invest in SEO. Whether they do not understand the value of this marketing channel, or simply do not understand it, the fact is – SEO is essential for business growth. Whichever the case, here is the gist of everything a young entrepreneur should know…