Tools for managing the content marketing process

In 2013, content marketing is receiving more attention than ever and there are a growing number of tools to manage it. We thought this infographic by Content Amp provides a nice visualisation of different types of tools to help manage how content is accessed, shared and analysed. Although it's a little overwhelming, we think the top-level groupings of technologies are useful if you're reviewing the tools and process you use to manage your content marketing. …

Setting up the right process and tools to improve sales

Start up brand Tatu Couture design and manufacture luxury British lingerie which is sold through stockists in the UK, Paris and New York. Tatu Couture has a unique vision to push the boundaries of design and innovation with its trend setting luxury lingerie and designer body wear. All their goods are manufactured and hand finished in the UK.

Overview and Digital Strategy

Tonica supported Tatu Couture by creating a four stage strategy to increase digital presence. In addition to the stockist route, Tatu Couture were keen to increase their own direct sales, so we had two simple objectives for the work – to increase visits to and increase sales from the site.

Social media campaign approach

Step 1 – Take Control Like many small to…

A Wordpress plugin that shows how everyone can manage their content calendar

In a previous post I wrote about an editorial calendar spreadsheet which we have created to help marketers manage their content marketing. While the spreadsheet allows you to plan and manage different types of content within a team, operational tools are useful too. In this post I wanted to share a tool we use with it for managing posting on the Smart Insights website - The Wordpress Editorial Calendar plug-in. It will be particularly interesting for Wordpress bloggers who don't know about it, but may also interest others since it shows how you can make your editorial process more streamlined. I first heard about this plugin through Chris Brogan who describes how he uses it.

About the Editorial calendar plugin

The plugin works with the basic blog functionality you have come to know and love in WordPress.…

Online video content creation and placement options

Video is quickly becoming the most sought after marketing content with higher user engagement than any other medium. Video content is a popular marketing tactic utilised by 87 percent of marketers to improve engagement with consumers, according to a study by Outbrain. This increase in content creation gives customers better insight into businesses and their products.

Video on a Global Scale

You will probably know that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. With over four billion hours of video watched every month, it provides endless opportunities for marketers. Those four billion views on YouTube are coming from all around the world. YouTube’s statistics state that 70 percent of their visits are from outside the U.S. They’re localised in 61 languages across 53 countries. Video localisation is an important aspect…

Ideas to humanise your online communications

As we all now become digital natives, it makes you step back and think and ultimately realise that those who follow us, will be born into a purely digital society, where eBooks and augmented reality will have gone from exotic to everyday. Thinking about what this means in the future is intriguing, but it's equally interesting right here and now in 2013. Technology, software and the devices we use, have of course shaped our social and human behavior on a number of levels, from shopping, to leisure, to business. Lives are lived online, and the opportunity to have a live feed into the minds of those you care about is becoming a clearer reality. People are more willing to share and consume horizontally through their social networks, rather than vertically. The organic spread of ideas, relationships, and trade can now be observed and measured on scales…

What should go into your editorial calendar for blogging + Twitter + Facebook + Google+ + LinkedIn?

In today's digital marketing environment, where demands on businesses to publish engaging content have never been higher, managing the process can be challenging, to say the least. In our 7 Steps Guide to content marketing, we've advised on how to plan to create a content marketing strategy that drives reach and engagement. But there is still the practical issue of what to publish, when and where? We cover this in our new guide to guide to managing content marketing where James Carson explains approaches for workflow for editorial planning. Thinking through how to organise multiple pieces of content, on your site, on partner sites and on social outposts is what many marketers have been grappling with for some time. The varying input…

How Agencies have evolved in their services and with social media engagement

For the second year running, Browser Media has conducted another survey with 101 Agencies, sourced from Econsultancy's supplier directory, to understand agency services provided, demand for SEO, trends and how they are engaging with social media. Useful either if you're a client comparing the services offered by your agency, or if you're an agency comparing your services to others. Interesting highlights concluded: Some agencies no longer focus purely on SEO as a branded service and moving towards 'digital marketing' offering a 'blended service'. Social media, web design, web analytics and copywriting are commonly offered by agencies offering an integrated approach It's surprising that some services such as Online PR and CRO are not more widely available as part of an integrated services Agencies offering International SEO has doubled. …

Email marketers still see much room for improvement, but not all optimization needs may be critical

As Benjamin Franklin no doubt mentioned, "...nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes (and email ROI)." Of the 1300+ marketers surveyed for the latest Econsultancy/Adestra Email Marketing Industry Census, 66% said email marketing delivered "excellent" or "good" ROI. Only organic SEO was reported as a better in terms of ROI. This result continues a history of email ROI success that has outlasted every sparkly new online marketing toy. The census results also echo the UK DMA’s recent National Email Client Report, where 89% said email marketing is "important" or "very important" to their organization. The same report found the average return on each pound spent on email was £21.48: How much is the approximate return you get back for every pound spent on email marketing? …

An interview with James Collins

As part of our briefings on Big Data and new software services to help marketers, this interview with James Collins at Stickyeyes, introduces their new software and analytics tool called ‘Optimum Inteligence’. The service arises from a need for online marketers (Search specialists, Specialists and Executives) needed help in analysing and understanding their data, the market they operate in and access to technology from Paid and Natural Search Software. James shares his views on ‘Big data’ related to SEO, the benefits for companies and how Optimum Intelligence has evolved and where they are with it’s release.

Q Why do you think Big Data is such a buzz word this Year?

‘Big Data’ is no doubt the marketing buzz word of 2013, and understandably so, given the importance of accountability and report ability of marketing activity. This is…

Using 'Rel=me ' to tell Google you are YOU.

As an online brand,  you would ideally want to have control over your brand name search results pages (SERPs). By control I mean all the results on the first page should ideally be your owned entities, whether it is your website or your company social profile pages. ASOS are a prime example of this. The online fashion powerhouse pretty much owns its brand SERPs (apart from the blended news & Guardian page), as you will see below: ASOS brand SERP Google has little trouble distinguishing that @asos is the genuine ASOS Twitter page because there is an overwhelming number of digital markers indicating that this is the case. The same goes for ASOS’ other profiles that rank on page one. However, not everyone has the authority and…