Use a selection of these tools to boost the quality of the content you write
Writing relevant and user-friendly content is harder than it seems. You need to ensure that your text reads clearly and with no mistakes in order to maximize the impact of your message. It’s a real balancing act, which is why a range of content writing tools have been developed to ease your writing journey. Here are 29 of the best online content writing tools to help with all manner of different writing challenges, such as grammar, spelling, writing for SEO and copy editing.
Hemingway App is a very practical application which assesses the readability of your writing by analyzing things like grammar, vocabulary, punctuation and sentence structure. The clever software points out any weaknesses in the text and offers appropriate corrections to enhance it.
This readability tool allows you to test a variety of sources including web pages. The quick and easy software scores the relevant text according to common readability indicators, making it easier to maximize readership for your desired audience.
Small SEO Tools is designed to check the density of keywords in a given text. The benefit of this tool is that you can paste an article or use a URL. Then, by selecting the number of keyword results to display and how many words per phrase (up to 3 words), you can identify where changes need to be made.
Internet Marketing Ninjas has been specifically developed to analyze internal links, metadata and content on web pages in order to develop user-friendly SEO. This free tool allows you to optimize your marketing and make a better first impression on your audience.
Word Stream promises to make online advertising easier and save some cash in the process. Its software and services help businesses and agencies get more from their marketing budget by helping them to pick better SEO keywords for online adverts.
Ginger is available to download on Smartphone, tablet and desktop and increases productivity. With a range of writing tools that help you to write in an improved way, you can communicate much faster and more precisely than ever before.
Pro Writing Aid understands the value of words in communicating successfully and has developed an editing tool which improves writing. The online version is free to use (up to 3,000 words) and you can upgrade to premium services for a small monthly fee. does what it says on the tin. This useful tool checks your spelling and grammar to ensure that your text is correct, thus making a better impression on your audience. Spelling mistakes and typos can say a lot about the value you place on your company or product. Don’t fall at the first hurdle; make sure that your message is error-free.
Byword 2 is an application intended for Apple users which provides simple and efficient text editing. The software can be downloaded via the App Store and Mac App Store and works on iPhone and iPad as well as on Mac.
After the Deadline provides practical feedback on a given text by underlining spelling errors and offering grammatical and style suggestions. The software supports French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish checking.
Slick Write is a fast and powerful free proofreading service. It checks your writing for a range of grammatical and stylistic mistakes, letting you take necessary action. It pledges to take your SEO writing to the next level.
This online grammar and spell check service offers basic and advanced checks in a range of languages. Not only does it provide basic checks, it has an advanced check and a separate thesaurus. This is spelling lifesaver!
Proof HQ is a global leader in online proofreading and assures improved productivity and creativity. Used by thousands of brands and agencies worldwide, this tool includes core modules which streamline the review and approval process from start to finish.
Language Tool is an Open Source proofreading program that boasts software which can detect errors that simple spell checkers miss. The online tool is available in more than 20 different languages
1Checker is a free online service which aims to eliminate any embarrassing writing mistakes. The accurate proofreading tool also enhances text readability so SEO content can go from sub-standard to superb.
This tool is a true writer’s friend as it checks grammar and proofreads copy. Document Grader carries out standard proofreading tasks but delves even deeper by examining the readability of your writing. This tool encourages you to think about your texts in a critical way and thus improve your communication.
Medium is an interactive website which enables a community of readers and writers to share thoughts, ideas and perspectives on a range of subjects. With valuable input from readers, you can move forward knowing that you have got it right.
WordRake is a proofreader that prides itself on clarity and writing to the point. You can try WordRake for free for 7 days. The website has a very useful Writing Tips section which provides lessons covering some of the most common mistakes in writing.
EditMinion is a robotic copy editing service that helps writers to refine their work. The checker can be customized using a range of features and even indicates where clichés have been used!
Paper Rater checks grammar, detects plagiarism and offers suitable suggestions to make the process of writing user-friendly content that bit easier. There’s no download required with this software.
Grammark offers an array of customizable editing services to speed up the review process. Some of the elements it helps with are style, voice, transitions, nominalizations, run-on sentences and wordiness.
Agile Tortoise focuses its attention on the starting point of any text – the draft stage. The elegant app offers a range of actions to better edit text in note format. You can try out a range of themes and fonts with Agile Tortoise on your iPhone.
Reverso, an intelligent spelling and grammar checker, is available in French and English with the option of choosing UK or US spellings. The tool boasts a high degree of accuracy and speed and offers multiple suggestions as examples.
OnlineCorrection is a digital tool designed to find errors in English writing. It is visually pleasing with its color-coded highlights and allows you to be more organized with your editing process.
After the Deadline aims to reduce the time you spend on proofreading. It uses ‘artificial intelligence and natural language processing technology’ to eliminate errors and offer ‘smart’ suggestions
The Purdue Owl assists clients with their writing endeavors. It provides constructive feedback to allow texts to become better versions than the original drafts. Affiliated with local literacy initiatives, the Purdue Owl offers support through online materials and services.
Proofread Bot lends a digital hand with proofreading exercises by checking texts for errors and flagging them up to their creator. The website has a range of filters that can be applied to include or disregard certain grammatical rules. Also, the definitions of rules provided are very handy!
Copyscape is a leading tool in the writing industry and checks texts for plagiarized content. It not only helps to maintain your reputation, it also helps to identify when others may have stolen original content from you.
Upwork provides you with a community of professional freelancers, including those who are skilled in proofreading and editing various types of texts, such as SEO content. With Upwork, you have the opportunity to invite candidates to apply for your task, after assessing their suitability for the job via their professional profile
As you can see, with such a wide range of tools to choose from, you could be on a path to success. The power of communication is at times underestimated, but by reading this article it shows that you care about your copywriting and want to make it effective. A well-written and nicely flowing text is what will make them come back for more. Bite the bullet and ask for some help – it could do wonders for your business!

Thanks to Mary Walton for sharing their advice and opinions in this post. AUTHOR_NAME is…Mary Walton is a writer currently living in Santa Monica, she studied in Australia and taught English in Cambodia. Read her educational blog
Simple Grad. Follow Mary on
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