Chart of the Week: Q4 2018 saw email engagement stay mostly stable but triggered emails still outperformed BAU messages, despite the lower volume

A huge part of improving email performance is benchmarking against industry standards to see where you are above or below average. The latest Epsilon ‘Email trends and benchmarks report’ takes a look at Q4 2018 to see how emails performed compared to the rest of 2018 and previous years.

Key takeaways

The majority of email metrics for Q4 stayed relatively stable compared to the rest of 2018. Emails that were triggered by specific actions taken by website visitors or customers received fairly strong results while business-as-usual (BAU) emails stayed stable. [si_guide_block id="13013" title="Download our Individual Member Resource – Email sequence contact strategy template" description="This spreadsheet provides a template for marketers to create a messaging sequence that supports their business for the range of potential event-triggered campaigns."/] Overall, the fact that BAU…

Why your email campaigns might not be going directly to your subscriber’s inbox

Despite being one of the oldest forms of digital marketing, email marketing campaigns still boast one of the best returns for investment. The effectiveness of email campaigns really relies upon the success of your email deliverability and whether your email reaches the main subscriber inbox. This is something that is often overlooked by many email marketers. Email open rate and click-through rate are helpful, but if your email campaign isn’t delivered to a subscribers main inbox and ends up in spam or other email folders, it’s likely that these statistics might be distorted. [si_guide_block id="28969" title="Online marketing benchmarks statistics compilation" description="Use the best quality benchmarks gathered for all aspects of digital marketing in our twice-annually updated statistics compilation. They're ideal for getting a quick snapshot of how channels are performing on a global scale between many different industries and company…

Every irrelevant email is a missed opportunity that costs you engagement and conversion

Whether you’re cross-selling, up-selling, fighting cart abandonment, or a content site working to keep your visitors returning and engaging, the key to effective email marketing is that your messages are personally relevant and well-timed. That means your emails must be personalized and intimately connected to your visitor's behaviour.

[si_guide_block id="93629" title="Email marketing re-engagement and reactivation guide" description=" Learn how to re-engage inactive subscribers in your email database and turn lapsed subscribers into active customers. The guide is produced by email marketing experts and offers recommendations on different angles of email reactivation, including the problem of inactive subscribers and provides advice on how to improve the health of large email databases."/]

Here are three examples of personalized email strategies, for different sites, that exceed the norm, and keep visitors coming back for more.

For a content site

Increase engagement and retention by sending personalized…

Email marketing can be an incredibly powerful tool, often offering a return of 30 times your initial investment. But, like any tool, it can only work well when handled expertly

Whatever your choice of marketing tool may be, the main aim is bound to involve maximizing the return on your business earnings. Email marketing is no different. After all, you are in business to make a profit, and who doesn’t want their venture to be as successful as possible? If you’re new to email marketing or, indeed, marketing in general, you may still be getting used to the various acronyms and buzzwords that tend to fly around. So, let’s start with explaining precisely what a ‘return on investment’ (ROI) means.

It's all about ROI

The world of business, no matter which industry you are in, is very fond of acronyms, buzzwords, management-speak, and all manner of jargon. This is great when you are embedded…

Sending emails has been an integral part of digital marketing for its direct approach and cost-effective methodology

You’ve probably had your first taste of artificial intelligence from science fiction films that depict robots gaining sentience through the wonders of the technology. This is still far from happening in the immediate future, but it wouldn’t be surprising if such advancements are actually achieved. But as far as we are from having sentient robots that might take over the world, artificial intelligence has already made it relatively far from the day it first came to be. There are emerging trends with the technology across various industries as it’s utilized to improve different processes. In the field of digital marketing, artificial intelligence plays a crucial role, particularly when it comes to email marketing. Sending emails has been an integral part of digital marketing for its direct approach and cost-effective methodology. With the help of artificial intelligence, …

Email has remained the workhorse of visual and interactive marketing and it will get more attention and credit in the coming years

As we are well into the New Year now, the entire email fraternity is looking forward to some exciting advancements in emails. Email has remained the workhorse of visual and interactive marketing and it will get more attention and credit in the coming years. With the emergence of innovations in the designing realms, the efficiency level of email marketing has nowhere to go but up. That said, let’s demystify the email design trends that will rock the email space in 2019.

1. APNG in email

APNG, an extension of the Portable Network Graphics format, provides support for animated images. APNG and GIFs are quite similar in that both are lossless formats. The main advantage of using APNG in emails is that it supports 24-bit colours and eight-bit alpha transparency. As GIFs…

The DMA’s head of insight, Tim Bond, discusses why its research points towards the GDPR having a positive impact on the relationship between consumers and brands

Consumer behaviours and preferences are constantly evolving, alongside the rapid pace of technological change. In particular, 2018 saw a number of significant changes to this landscape, not least the prospect of Brexit and new laws governing how marketers go about their daily lives. For these reasons, it was a timely opportunity to see how recipients of our marketing emails feel about the channel as part of the latest 'Consumer email tracker 2019' report. In an age of innovation and change, one of the most encouraging findings was that email remains central to how customers engage with brands across the countless touchpoints now available to them. [si_guide_block id="99357" title="Download our Premium Resource – GDPR and ePrivacy briefing for marketing professionals" description="In this report we cover…

More valuable tools and technologies are to come for marketers this 2019, but it will only serve you well if you understand what lies in the future for email marketing

There are around 3.7 billion email users in the world today, with the figure likely to grow to 4.3 billion by 2022. This makes email marketing a viable strategy to put your efforts into, especially as the ROI for it is around 3,800%. It also remains an important source of information for B2B companies. No matter how useful email marketing is for your digital outreach, it still doesn’t warrant unwanted emails. According to a survey by DMA Insights, 53% of consumers say that they receive too many irrelevant emails from companies. More valuable tools and technologies are to come for marketers this 2019, but it will only serve you well if you understand what lies…

62.26% of customers feel happy and excited to respond to a specially tailored message from the retailer

The personalization of emails is not just limited to sending emails to your customers addressing them by their first names - it’s so much more than that.  You can use personal information like their date of birth, full name and past purchases to create personalized customer experiences. This can be incredibly beneficial as personalized emails are known to increase conversions and retention rates. In fact, 62.27% of customers feel happy and excited to respond to a specially tailored message from the retailer. This shows that you need to send tailored notifications to your customers based on their preferences. Let’s take a look at some examples and the infographic by Post Funnel. This will give you an idea of how to effectively use personalization in…

The way you design and code the emails can either create barriers or remove them

Emails are getting more and more popular with each passing day. However, it still needs work to make email marketing an inclusive place that everyone can use and understand. The way you design and code the emails can either create barriers or remove them. [si_guide_block id="5508" title="Download our Premium Resource – Email marketing strategy guide" description="This comprehensive guide shows you how to take your email marketing strategy to the next level, covering a lot more than tips to improve your creative and copy, although we do cover this too."/] Great email design starts by making it work for everyone. Everyone here includes the ‘specially abled’ individuals who perceive the world differently than the average user. Design does not simply imply how something looks. It surely is visually impressive, but it also meets the real needs of your readers. I…