Facebook accounts for 52% of sharing on the web

New AddThis report for social sharing during 2011

AddThis, the social share bar tool used by more than 11m websites and 1.2Bn users, with their owners Clearspring, have followed the popularity of their 2010 report with a new 2011 update - see the info-graphic based report below. The story is once again Facebook led, no surprise, comparing to the 2010 report you can see that Facebook is growing in its place as the default way people are sharing information. 2011 - 52% of AddThis shares are via Facebook 2010 - 44% of AddThis shares are via Facebook 2009 - 33% of AddThis shares are via Facebook Twitter too is up 577% this year and accounts for 13.5% of sharing, based upon the AddThis Analytics. It was up 105% in 2010 over 2009, so the acceleration there is pretty big to say the least. The mobile increase is what I…

Infographics to give you ideas for managing the new marketing

Infographics seem to be a popular way to learn and share statistics and marketing approaches. We've been selective in sharing 1 or 2 infographics a month during 2011, focusing on those with a clear learning about the impact of a new marketing technique or how to approach it.

1. The content marketing grid from Eloqua

An excellent way of thinking through how and prioritising content marketing for B2B or B2C markets.

2. A whole world of word-of-mouth

This really shows the power of WOM and that favourite social media buzzword of 2011, "amplification".

3. Building a successful brand in the social space - 9 tips from Weber Shandwick

It's the 9 drivers of "world class sociability" that attracted us to this one.

4. Measuring social media ROI - ensure…

Improving the accuracy of web analytics for social media tracking

There is a big elephant in the web analytics room... We are less likely to accurately track visits referred from social networks than we are visits from more traditional sources. ‘Less’ likely because the rise of those sources of traffic has coincided with (or helped cause) the rise in use of mobile apps or desktop clients at the expense of traditional web browsers. So the visits you see as being reported as referred from one of the social networks are only the tip of the iceberg. You’re almost certainly getting a better return on your social marketing that you think. It’s just not showing up where you’re looking for it. As we near the end of 2011 many are asking: “If social is so ‘big’ why can’t I see those visits in my site’s analytics?” If your calculations of the return on your efforts in…

Latest statistics reveal the importance of the primary inbox

We talk a lot about getting delivered into THE inbox. But the days of "one person one inbox" are long gone. If you make it into my Gmail account, you join the 2,432 unopened mails filtered automatically into the bulk folder: If you make it into my work account, however, it has only one other unopened email competing for attention: Gulp. So is the real challenge with email response about getting delivered to the right inbox? Fact is, multiple email accounts are the norm. An April 2011 UK consumer survey revealed 65% using more than one email account. There are several questions we need to ask here to get better email engagement: Does it really matter which email address you get? If it does, how do you make sure you get the right one? Does it make sense to block certain…

Leaked Email from Twitter reveal costs per follower

Value/Importance: [rating=3] Recommended link: Original post on the Drum

Our commentary on the costs of Twitter advertising

These are the costs revealed in the leaked email from Twitter’s ad sales department: Cost of $2.50 and $4 per follower $0.75 to $2.50 for each click, favourite, retweet or reply. Commitment to a minimum campaign spend of 3 months and $15,000 Since Twitter introduced it’s advertising through it’s Promoted Tweets we’ve had questions from marketers about costs and whether the service would become available to advertisers with smaller budgets as is possible through Adwords, Facebook and LinkedIn.

This leak gives an idea of the costs and suggests the programme isn’t likely to become available to small and medium businesses any time soon.

Marketing implications of the Twitter fees

While most marketers will continue to use Twitter as a…

Covering the 6 core components of a marketing campaign

We've created this new template to help marketers plan a campaign if they are managing it themeselves in a small business or are briefing colleagues and agencies in a larger business. Agencies may find it useful for reviewing their campaign processes. We also hope it will help prompt you to think of different ways of integrating new digital marketing approaches into your campaigns. The marketing campaign planning template can be downloaded by Expert members in Word format so you can modify it to best suit your marketing campaigns: Download planning template

Structure of campaign planning template

The stages of marketing campaigns and key issues covered are: Campaign goals and tracking. What are we trying to achieve through our campaign and how will we know when we achieve it? Target audience, customer insight and targeting.…

My experiences of using attribution as a social media marketer

Attribution modelling has certainly been a hot topic in 2011 and many brands have started to reap the rewards of optimising their online marketing budgets and reallocating marketing resources using it. Additionally, it can also provide incredible insight into customer behaviour and the touch points that they come into contact with up to and including the point of conversion. To get an idea of the types of benefits brands can experience take a look at this post on the Econsultancy blog and see Dave's post giving this introduction to attribution modelling options.

Attribution modelling and social media

I’ve heard a lot recently about how the time of experimenting with social media without true measurement is coming to an end. And let’s hope that’s the case. Whilst attribution modelling certainly isn’t a panacea, using it does allow marketers to start to understand customers’…

5 DIY options for identifying duplicate content to improve SEO

SEOs talk a lot about why duplicate content matters and what to do about it, marketers don't tend to. I think an understanding of duplicate content is important to all marketers who manage SEO so they can ask the right questions of their search specialists or agencies or fix the problem themselves.  So to help bridge the gap, this is first of two posts explaining what duplicate content is, why it matters and what to do about it.

What is duplicate content

Duplicate content is where a search engine identifies different pages as similar. As a result it either doesn’t include them in the index or down-weights their importance. So you may have pages that you think are unique and should attract visits, but the search engines don't see it that way and pages identified as…

And what to do about it

Social media is not a standalone skill-set, nor is it even a vocation in its own right. It's a mindset, a set of specific tools and most importantly, it's a process weaved into content and social media marketing. Our post showing the scope of Social CRM shows how social media marketing activities occur across the whole business - this Altimeter image clear shows how wide the scope of social media is. Beyond that even - social media has to be increasingly integrated into an organisation, not owned by marketing or PR types. Social media doesn't (or shouldn't) belong to someone or just to one team unless they're the only people who care about the customer. Why? Social media starts with your customer, or worst case your fans and brand advocates (who are usually happy customers, right?). And, because…

User features get serious enhancement

Value/Importance: [rating=5] Recommended link: Twitter video

Our commentary on the New Twitter

Twitter has unveiled a major redesign today which will be rolling out slowly. There are four key elements to the changes: New homepage timeline Better way to see anything related to you Interface for easily finding context for hashtags New user profile Is this all in Twitter's attempt at trying to become more mainstream and accessible? A move away from the niche knowledge sharing tag it's gained? It looks good at first glance, this official video is useful to demonstrate the changes: http://fly.twitter.com/ Brands also get Brand Pages There's a really big change for brands too, new brand pages, as Twitter looks to strengthen its relationship with marketers. Twitter's brand pages have been low key compared with the excitement around Google+ brand pages, which…