FREE WEBINAR: Preparing your 2025 Digital Marketing Strategy with RACE

Millenials have grown up, so marketers must look to Gen Z for the next batch of malleable young minds. Problem is, Gen Z has it's own agenda.

It is with great sadness and regret that I have to announce the imminent demise of a magnificent era defined by a much loved and well know group we call the Millennials.

How we all loved how playful millennials lived more in their heads than in reality.  We adored their naivety believing a single Europe for all would be embraced by a UK struggling to redefine its identity.  We blushed as they exposed their bits on Tinder all in the name of love.  We smiled as they swallowed click bait headlines.  

Opticians worldwide will always give thanks for their dedication to staring at smart devices, resulting in a global demand for new prescription lenses.  And of course, we salute…