Chart of the Day: Facebook's revenue per user increase 10 fold in 5 years

Facebook's drive to monetize itself has seen the social media titan raise its revenue per user from $2 to $19 in just 5 years. In this time Facebook has released many different advertising options for marketers to spend their budgets with. In the early days, we were using the advanced for the time demographic and 'likes' targeting options to serve ads via the news feed & the right-hand side area. But with the introduction more advertising features as well as adding Instagram to the mix, I can only see the gap between TV and Facebook becoming smaller and smaller. Now there are a wide range of ad options for Facebook. Which are: Retargeting - art of advertising to people who have visited your website before Messages - Contacting your audience with short messages on…

Dynamic ads can now feature new services and are available on Instagram plus new Custom Audience targeting options

Importance: [rating=4] For Retailers and Travel marketers who can feature products and [rating=5] for all who use Custom Audiences which are also updated Recommended Source: Facebook blog launch commentary We first featured Facebook's launch of Dynamic Product ads in February 2015. They have proved popular with retailers with Facebook reporting that, to date, more than 2.5 billion unique products have been uploaded to Facebook. Now Facebook has changed what it used to call 'Dynamic Product Adverts' to just 'Dynamic adverts' as they are altering them so they can feature more than just your traditional 'products' like shoes, computers or books. Dynamic ads feature things that users are likely interested in after viewing them on a website or adding them to their basket, so they are essentially a form of remarketing or retargeting, where the products people were…

Start targeting even more precisely with new Facebook ad-option

Top of my wishlist from Facebook for the last nine years (yes that's how long I've been advertising on Facebook) has been the ability to use the magic "AND" word rather than "OR" when it comes to selecting Interest targeting. I've called this "Boolean Targeting" or "Overlap Targeting" and it became the holy grail for me as a Facebook advertiser. This level of targeting would mean targeting those people in the Venn Diagram overlap - the people that liked ALL the things I was listing in interests rather than just some of them.

OR vs AND, Boolean targeting, Overlap targeting, Detailed targeting: Confused already?

Let me explain. When you select interests (for instance you are looking to target people that like social media marketing so you'd probably have selected some of…

Targeting different demographics with Facebook advertising

You will be aware that Facebook is one of the largest potential sources of Internet traffic and engagement;  it's more popular than Google in some countries! You've probably also heard that if the number of Facebook users were equivalent to a country it would be the 3rdlargest country in the world after India and China with 400 million users. So if you're not looking at Facebook to engage your audience and promote your products and services, you are missing a big opportunity. You will know you can set up a Facebook Page for your company. But did you know you can advertise on Facebook, using Facebook Ads on a pay per click (CPC) or impressions (CPM) model? This is a similar option to Google Adwords but the main difference is you can micro-target your audience with the a number of features for which I…