Chart of the day: Search continues to be the number on source of referrals for fashion retailers
Search engines drive the highest proportion of visitors to fashion brands. Connexity, the e-commerce & consumer analytics company looked at the channels which drive the most traffic to two high fashion brands Ted Baker and Karen Millen.
Though they found the actual numbers varied considerably, the order remained the same. Search is followed by Social, Rewards and directories then Email. What is interesting about this chart is that while Search features so high, the search strategies for both brands are mostly the same.
If you do a brand search then the ads are quite indistinguishable. While they make every effort to make their clothes distinctly there's, they could follow this through to their search marketing via the use of lesser used ad extensions e.g. review & price extensions.
The recent launch of price ad extensions on Desktop is another move from Google to allow advertisers to provide as much information on the search results page, so that the user can make an informed decision as to whether to click on the ad and continue their journey on your site.

Here at Smart Insights we have been trialing the pricing ad extensions on our brand campaign in the UK. It is too early to tell if the impact of this feature will provide a great enough ROI. So far it's looking positive, but I will keep you posted in a few weeks time.
For those thinking of using this new features here is what it looks like on Desktop:

I have only included 3 options in this example but you can have up to eight and you can use any of the categories that Google specifies including product categories, events, services and locations. This is to help tailor the feature for different industries.
If you are thinking of giving price extensions a try, I'd love to know how you get on. Let us know in the comments bellow or Tweeting @smartinsights on Twitter.