Just a short post to mention 3 conference sessions I'll be giving in Feb and an announcement about a new copywriting training course from my colleague Jonathan Gabay. If you're attending either of the events it would be great to see you - do collar me and say 'Hi' if you get a chance - it's always good to meet people 'In Real World'. If not, I'll be posting the presentations here and at my Slideshare at the end of Feb - see all Dave's Digital Marketing presentations on Slideshare. The talks are:

Search Engine Strategies

Wed 17th Feb 2PM - Introduction to Paid Search Marketing

Technology for Marketing

Tues 23rd Feb - Keeping Your Audience Engaged integrating Email marketing and Social Media Marketing Wed 24th Feb - Keynote: Optimising Your Digital Marketing Mix

Copywriting training course: March 2010

I'm also pleased to tell you about this new course on copywriting from Jonathan Gabay who…
This is a question asked in the UK Netmarketing forum. I thought my answer might be interesting to other marketers reviewing their e-mail marketing, so here it is! The remainder of the question: "If you were purely looking at the design and copy of such an email. Lets take for granted that mailing list is well targeted and the offer is good. Ive recently heard Hotmail doesn't like CSS, "click here" is frowned upon by SPAM filters, and a host of other dos and don'ts. As a newbie though Im finding it tough to determine best practices, so who better to ask than the list. I'm not after trade secrets just some good pointers. Thanks in advance. Lee

My answer

5?! That's a good challenge for email marketers on the list. I may have cheated with a few more. I would say, based on the limitations of "newbie emails" I see, and what works…
In my Internet Marketing:Strategy, Implementation and Practice book I ask this question in the chapter on traffic building / digital communications. I hoped readers would think of the relative sizes of different types of sites and their representation through different forms of digital media channels both on the major sites and the "long tail" of smaller sites. So it was nice to see the BBC recently use a similar analogy in their blockbusting Internet documentary, Virtual Revolution. They had a great visual produced which I've grabbed from the iPlayer version of the show:

Since the programme Hitwise have published a more detailed map, which I thought would be interesting to compare - it's worth reading Robin Goad's analysis on the Hitwise site.

What are the implications for digital strategy?

The programme used…
In this interview which accompanies my other posts on trends and predictions for 2010, I interview Ian Truscott, Vice-President of Web Content Management at Alterian. My interview explores trends in content management and practical ideas for improving engagement - I liked Ian's reference to the concept of "Smart content" - much content on corporate sites still doesn't have the context of categories and tags commonly used in blogs. You can also read Ian's views on trends in engagement through content on the Engaging Times blog where Ian and other Alterian bloggers share their views on emerging trends on content management.

Marketing trends influencing content

Q1. Ian, what do you see as the broader trends in marketing today which affect the needs marketers have for managing content? [Ian Truscott, Alterian] In the midst of a digital revolution, we are…