A call to action (CTA) is just a fancy marketing term for a button that entices the user to take a desirable action, taking them further down the conversion funnel

Have you ever signed up for an online subscription service (Netflix, Spotify, you name it) or downloaded a free resource from somewhere? Well, your "action" was the result of an effective call to action. These seemingly straightforward buttons are an integral part of a marketer’s toolkit. They can make or break your conversion game, and be the difference between converting a lead and losing a potential client. A well-crafted call to action is a boon for both parties. [si_guide_block id="59581" title="Download our Individual Member Resource – Inbound marketing Quick Wins template" description="This template covers the latest inbound marketing techniques across the full customer lifecycle structured around the Smart Insights RACE planning approach so…

3 Keys to creating a really effective call to action

The call to action, or CTA, is the darling of the digital scene, a must-have for marketers in every webpage or piece of content. But don’t be distracted by their trendiness; CTAs are far from new...

A CTA is simply another way to express an age-old marketing question: "What do we want our target audience to do?” In turn, CTAs are only the latest iteration of the many techniques used to transform customers from strangers into friends.

[si_guide_block id="74453" title="Growth hacking guide" description="How to start and sustain a more agile approach to grow your business and optimise your online marketing"/]

While we've been making CTAs for centuries, that doesn’t mean they are a walk in the park. Many business owners and brand designers trip up when they try to turn their beautifully crafted websites into tools that actually…