Mobile email marketing popularity statistics

Thanks to Mark Brownlow to alerting us to this via Twitter. As Mark says "However you measure it, mobile email is growing fast".  I thought I'd share the chart since it persuasively makes the case that your email design should work on mobile and you should think about what you're trying achieve through the communications - creating awareness and encouraging later action become more important.

% Emails opened on different access platforms 2011

The source of the data is Sydney-based Email Service provider Campaign Monitor - it's based on 3 billion emails delivered for it's clients in 2011.

% Emails opened on different mobile platforms

The Campaign Monitor data also shows data for different mobile platforms: There's a clear message here - iOS dominates, so ensure your…

How to make your emails work better on mobiles

How to make emails work better for users on mobile devices is a big issue for email marketers in 2011. I've recently written the forward for a new whitepaper by Ed Melly of SmartFOCUS on Email design for mobile devices (PDF). Here is my summary of 5 steps to take to design better for mobile. You can see the full whitepaper at the end of this summary.

Step 1. Review industry mobile statistics

You'll know that mobile usage is growing rapidly. There have been significant year-on-year increases in Apple iPhone adoption, the Android platform is gaining momentum.Furthermore, the tablet market created by the iPad is expected to continue growing rapidly. In its Internet Trends presentation of June 2010, Morgan Stanley predicted that the population of mobile users will exceed desktop internet users within five years. Such predictions are…