5 techniques to use SEO data to make better content marketing decisions

Did you know that 91% of marketers use content marketing as an approach in their organizations?  It’s clearly gaining momentum. But not all is sunshine and roses. The same survey also showed that 48% of marketers believe that their content marketing strategies are either average, fair, or poor. Image via SEMrush That brings us to the question: What can marketers do to drive content marketing ROI? The answer lies in leveraging SEO data. To create an effective content marketing strategy, marketers need to take a closer look at their SEO insights.  In this article, let’s take a look at how you can amplify your content marketing efforts through SEO insights.

5 techniques…

One of the best ways to keep people on your website longer and build up trust and conversions is through great content

Getting people to trust and ultimately buy from your business is a long process. It starts by getting people to visit your website, but traffic is not enough. You also need to give people a reason to stick around for longer so they can ultimately convert. One of the best ways to keep people on your website longer and build up trust and conversions is through great content. [si_guide_block id="85104" title="Download our Free Resource – Top 10 common content marketing mistakes" description="This guide gives recommendations for marketers responsible for managing and improving content marketing who want to develop a more strategic approach."/] In this blog post, I’m going to show you how to leverage content to keep people on your website longer.

Why it’s important to keep people on your website for…

The must-know content marketing statistics to benchmark your plans against this year

Content marketing is still very much at the heart of digital marketing, with content continuing to be a vital tactic for bringing in traffic and encouraging conversions. However, content marketing has moved past blogs and now encompasses so much more. The industry is also more competitive than ever, with content being produced on masse, making it harder to ensure yours stands out. [si_blog_banner_cta] In order to be successful at content marketing, you need to ensure that you’re taking into account more technical aspects – such as SEO – but also that you’re effectively battling for consumers’ attention. It is this battle that has led content to change at a rapid pace, with competition leading to increased levels of innovation. This is why you need to stay on top of the latest trends and advances in the content marketing arena. With this in mind,…

To be successful at content marketing, your first task is to create a content marketing strategy.

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to gain more leads and customers. But there's one problem: content marketing is a lot of work.   For example, consider a study by Zazzle Media. In this study, 60% of companies say they find it difficult to produce content consistently while 65% find it hard to produce engaging content.   There's a solution though. To be successful at content marketing, your first task is to create a content marketing strategy.   In your content marketing strategy, you have details such as:  Marketing goals  Ideal audience   Marketing channels  Content frequency  How to…

Leverage your company’s content marketing strategy with evergreen articles to drive more traffic to your blog

Your company’s blog is a powerful tool that is not correctly being utilized if it lacks evergreen content. Most people are unaware that the majority of blog posts fall under two main categories, evergreen content being one of them. With that said, your current company articles do fall under either of the two, you just do not know it. When unaware of the purpose of the content you create, it is impossible to know how to use it to your benefit. [si_guide_block id="85104" title="Download our Free Resource – Top 10 common content marketing mistakes" description="Our free content marketing mistakes guide reveals the most common mistakes, but more importantly, what to do about them. It highlights auditing tools, strategy recommendations and examples."/] Learning how to write evergreen blog content that will rank on Google is essential to leveraging your digital…

Make sure your content connects when you’re working in niche industries

Content is king – even in niche markets. But when it comes to those industries where technical terminology, tight regulations, limited audiences and often uninspiring details are the realities of a marketer’s routine, creating that content can often seem an insurmountable challenge. Whilst the digital marketing conferences showcase outlandishly creative case studies from exciting FMCG brands, there you are, trying to sell that much less exciting thing that you are selling. So how do we, as marketers in niche environments and complicated product areas, create the content that stands out from the crowd to engage our target audiences and, above all else, delivers that return on investment? What shape does our strategy need to take in order to prove the value of content marketing in niches where, in many cases, the freedom to create that content, the demand to receive it…

Content hubs help you solve the problem of related content being disconnected across your site and can help grow your organic rankings for target keywords

You may not be familiar with the term “content hub,” but you’ve likely heard of the concept by some other name. You may have heard it referred to as a “topic pillar” or perhaps a “content cluster,” but what you call it doesn’t really matter. [si_guide_block id="5651" title="Download our Individual Member Resource – Content marketing strategy guide" description="This guide shows you both how to develop a strategy to deploy content across all your online marketing and gives practical tips to make it happen."/] Content hubs help you solve the problem of related content being disconnected across your site and can help grow your organic rankings for target keywords. Beyond this, content hubs can help you increase your on-site conversions and goal completions.

What is a content hub?

Only 39% of marketers say they are somewhat successful at tracking the ROI of their content marketing, but there are ways to improve your proficiency

Content marketing is a highly effective form of marketing. Statistics show that per dollar, content marketing generates three times as many leads as traditional marketing. As a content marketer, you understand these benefits and statistics. But your boss needs to be convinced. What amount of revenue is content marketing adding to your company's bottom line? If you find it difficult to answer that question, you're not alone. In a survey of B2B marketers published on LinkedIn, only 39% considered themselves at least somewhat successful at tracking content marketing ROI. [si_guide_block id="34016" title="Download our Individual Member Resource – Evaluating content marketing ROI guide" description="This guide is aimed at helping you improve your confidence in the value of content marketing by stepping you…

By performing a content audit, you can find the content that’s working and the rogue content that’s holding you back

Does your blog need a bit of a dusting? Perhaps it needs a total spring clean. If so, it’s time for a content audit. In 2019, blogs really matter. The better your blog is and the better it performs, the more success your online business will have. For example, blogs improve your relationship with your customers, and they also boost your SEO efforts. [si_guide_block id="85104" title="Download our Free Resource – Top 10 common content marketing mistakes" description="Our free content marketing mistakes guide reveals the most common mistakes, but more importantly, what to do about them. It highlights auditing tools, strategy recommendations and examples."/] The problem is that there might be content that’s holding you back. By performing a content audit, you can find the content that’s working and the rogue…

Human customers mean you should be writing content aimed at humans, not algorithms

Your customers are humans. You’re not trying to sell your products and services to Google’s web-crawler bots. This means you should be writing content aimed at humans, not algorithms. At the same time, the algorithms control search results and SEO can have huge effects on your bottom line. So as much as you might want to create beautiful content written for a human audience, it can seem that economics favours the robots. [si_guide_block id="34016" title="Download our Individual Member Resource – Evaluating content marketing ROI guide" description="This guide is aimed at helping you improve your confidence in the value of content marketing by stepping you through a range of techniques to help marketers evaluate and prove their content effectiveness."/] The truth is that you can - and must - write for both. But it’s easier than you might…