Don’t make mistakes that others have already learned to solve; these email marketing strategy tips will give you the foundation you need to increase your conversions

There’s nothing more frustrating than knowing that you’re making mistakes that others have long since solved. If you could learn from their mistakes you could avoid repeating them yourself. This is especially true with email marketing strategy. [si_guide_block id="59002" title="Download FREE Resource – The State of Email Marketing" description="Global benchmarking research report to support email marketing excellence."/] You’ve put the effort into getting your subscribers on your mailing list, so the last thing that you want to do is risk losing them by messing up. Sent too many emails in a day? You’re spamming, and they’ll unsubscribe. Focused too much on sales? You’re not valuing their wants and needs, and they’ll unsubscribe. No matter what mistake…

Affiliate marketing’s outlook in the not-so-distant future should perk up any entrepreneur’s ears

While some naysayers have prematurely eulogized affiliates, a Rakuten Affiliate Network study estimates they’re on target to grow by nearly $7 billion by 2021. So when marketers claim affiliate is on its way out, what they’re really admitting is that they lack the patience necessary to make a program work. [si_guide_block id="5676" title="Download FREE Resource – Digital marketing plan template" description="Our popular marketing planning template built on the Smart Insights RACE planning system."/] Affiliate marketing isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it process but one that, like any successful business approach, requires regular monitoring. Marketers must foster teams of ambassadors who authentically sing your products’ praises to their audiences not because you told them to, but because they feel aligned with your company. Ironically, most individuals working in creative departments recognize the power of having affiliates. Ninety percent of advertising professionals surveyed by Rakuten acknowledge…

Why the marriage of technology, data, and creativity allows brands to foreground the consumer experience and drive greater sales results

More than most marketing strategies, direct marketing remains largely stigmatized. Mention it to most outside of the discipline, and truckloads of snail mail overfilling people's mailboxes come to mind. But direct mail and direct marketing are not the same thing. [si_guide_block id="5676" title="Download FREE Resource – Digital marketing plan template" description="Our popular marketing planning template built on the Smart Insights RACE planning system."/] Direct marketing is about driving business results. No matter the platform, any time brands communicate with a potential consumer — such as using an augmented reality platform targeted at Millennials to drive insurance purchases — they are actually using direct-response marketing. Today, the convergence of data, technology, and creativity are opening new direct-response avenues that, while highly successful, are still largely untapped by many brands. After years of being the…

Chart of the Day: Audience breakdown of the top 6 sites

We all know that sites owned by Google have a large traffic share of the total internet population, however, do you know the other top performing sites? New research by UKOM shows the top 20 properties by unique visitors. As you can see, Google remains on top, with Facebook and the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) following behind in second and third place. It is interesting to note that almost half are news sites which gives an insight into the consumption of modern day news online. Overall, Google reaches 97% if the UK online population. However, UKOM also shows the breakdown of those top 6 sites to show that Youtube alone reaches more than all of Facebook's properties combined. Source: UKOM - UK…

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of converting more of your website visitors into leads for your business

Especially in long B2B buying cycles, the ability to generate more Marketing and Sales Qualifies Leads (MQLs & SQLs) is crucial for long-term success. That said, in recent years, marketers have become preoccupied with driving more traffic to their website, they’ve overlooked the power of CRO. In fact, for every $92 spent acquiring customers, only $1 is spent converting them. B2Bmetric have created an infographic on 16 ways companies can start focusing more on CRO and generating higher conversion rates and more sales online. Thanks to Ben Brown for sharing their advice and opinion in this post. Ben is a B2B marketer, PPC fanatic and Burrito enthusiast at B2Bmetric.…

How to gain visibility in China's digital marketplace

Everyone wants a piece of the emerging market's pie, and the biggest slice is still China. After a temporary retreat, overall economic growth in China is expected to continue its upward trend, and retail momentum is keeping pace. While American companies focus most of their attention on first-tier Chinese cities, lower-tier cities in China are about to have their day in the sun. According to Jing Daily, cities such as Changsha, Foshan, and Wenzhou will be home to more high-income consumers than Beijing by 2030.

[si_guide_block id="98470" title="Download our Bussiness Member Resource – China Digital Marketing Strategy Guide" description="Our China Marketing Strategy Guide is a complete guide to help you understand China’s digital marketing landscape. This guide will give you a better understanding of China’s biggest online marketing channels and how they operate."/]

If you’re looking to expand into China, you might just be able to achieve faster growth with less competition by focusing on lower-tier markets first.

Why Tier-One…

6 of the best SEO tools to make sure your on-page SEO is optimized

Implementing SEO Services for clients in a wide array of industries, I’ve learned to utilize some amazing tools for on-page SEO – and how much of a difference on-page SEO can make in helping your website rank high on search engines.

Why On-Page SEO Matters

On-Page SEO is critical because it influences the way in which Google and other search engines interpret the content on your page. Your goal is to ensure that your content is fully optimized for your chosen keywords so that the search engine is encouraged to rank you higher. Without proper on-page SEO, it’s likely that your competitors who have optimized their pages will sail past you in the SERP’s, even with worse content and a less powerful backlink profile.

[si_quick_block id="108899" title="7 on-page SEO techniques"…

Chart of the Day: How OTAs reach online vacation buyers?

With the rise of online price comparison sites and review sites now offering hotels and flights for purchase, the competition for the ecommerce travel industry has never been so fierce. So what are the top channels for reaching online vacation buyers? Well, new research by Global Web Index shows that there is no one dominant channel that vacation buyers use to research and discover brands online. Therefore a holistic marketing mix of different channels is necessary to reach potential customers at different touch points of the research stage. 46% of respondents stated they discover brands via search engines, this yet only 34% discover vacations via brand/product websites. This shows that your keyword strategy needs to be based on user search queries "cheapest holidays to France" "best places to visit in Australia", rather than branded keywords, in order to rank your site and persuade them to buy.…

Key trends on how brands are building trust in China

As we have just updated our China Digital Marketing Strategy Guide, Lei Chien, the author of the guide, has produced the article below on how brands are building trust in China and outlines the key marketing trends to be aware of.

1. The Latest Trends in China

With 2018 Lunar New Year around the corner, many marketers in China can finally take a deep breath and enjoy a break from a very busy year. To the world, the growth of China's digital economy is no longer a mystery. To say it's a force to be reckoned with can arguably be an understatement. China's continued progress in the digital space is contributed by innovations, fearless attitude towards failure, tech-friendly regulations, and of course its massive consumer market. As of February 2018, some of the latest trends in China include: Cryptocurrency: China mines more Bitcoins…

Whether you’re hastily booking a last-minute meal for two, or boycotting the societal conventions and watching Netflix at home, in your PJs, it’s that time of the year again!

Boyfriends are panic buying 100 roses for £25 at Aldi and the card racks at Clinton’s are only getting larger. According to research from a retail and shopper marketing agency Savvy, 39% of shoppers said they expect to spend more on Valentine’s Day 2018 than they did last year, rising to 52% among 18-34 year-olds. In addition, 56% of respondents said that they don’t mind spending more to make the day special. The research also highlights that Valentine’s Day spending is expected to hit £726m. Yes, that’s right! Wondering how your business can benefit from this revenue? To captivate the love-ridden audiences on Valentine’s Day, marketers need to…