Digital plan primer

Options for linking to resources from primer are:

  1. Blog posts
  2. Hub pages
  3. Member /guide pages (these may include a single document or multiple)
  4. Direct to member protected files (these may also include a single or multiple diagnostic)

Some ideas on views

SOSTAC view Option 1. Step through hub pages

This could/should use use a hierarchy - maybe best approach for Expert members

Option 2. Step through public posts on strategy linking to member content

Probably best initial approach for lead-gen, but also useful for members.

Option 3. Step through toolkit advice - more about deliverables for members

To do this need to split out bundled toolkit diagnostics into individual files Query Stu - can Primers go on techniques pages or just Tactic

Related - need to review categorisation of all content:

Product / guide selection - possibly Q2 2013?
Catalogue based selection of guides through retail style faceted search or

Sort by: Updated/Alphabetical
1. Subject (category/technique)
2. Resource type (Ebook, Template, Video, Interactive)
3. Resource type sub-category? 7 Steps, Diagnostic, etc
4. Other from tactics Case study, Statistics, Software
Level possibly - all introductory at the moment
5. Basic/Expert

Similar to:
Categories permanent for SEO