...at least not as well as the 14 or 15 year old Digital Natives...

This  Ofcom research on the Digital Day sheds some interesting behavioural insight on how children and Youth audiences engage with digital activity compared to adults. These are the 'Digital Natives' which give us a future view of how digital media will be used. Over half of children's time is spent communicating via text, instant and photo messaging - this contrasts to 1/4 of the time spent by adults.  In terms of social networking sites, 11-15 year olds spend twice as much time as adults. So, when it comes to .. how much time do 11-15 year olds spend on media and communication activities? Certainly, the differences in time spent on Email and Text between adults and younger audiences is dramatic. As mentioned earlier,…

New research helps understand consumer attitudes and behaviour by socio-economic personas/categories

Do you know to what extent customers are empowered to shop online and if they are ready to engage with you? GfK was commissioned by the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) to research different behaviours amongst online shoppers. They have just published this in-depth research into this area, to help business growth by understanding the range of online customer segments they should appeal to. GfK took a representative sample of the UK population, interviewing over 6,000 consumers, to find out how consumers shop, individual motivations and attitudes, highlighting differences by socio-economic background. The report segments consumers into 5 groups:

5 Segments of Consumers for online buying decision-making

Who do these customer segments represent? Constrained Strugglers:  Less empowered group with an average age of 45 years and highest mix of ethnic background. Tend to…

Practical approaches to connect you with consumers

The face of marketing looks entirely different from it did even a few years ago, and mastering the latest trends has become an ongoing struggle for marketers. But in the fight to stay innovative, many marketers lose sight of what really matters: truly understanding their audience. Assuming that you know what your customers think is shortsighted. Like all humans, the needs, experiences, and expectations of clients and customers change. Taking the time to check in and discuss what’s important to them on a regular basis is the only way to deliver an experience that delights them. Think about the last time you really felt heard. The person didn’t just listen patiently while you talked. She understood what you were saying and why. It felt pretty good, right? Marketers who go above and beyond to make their customers feel heard tune in to underlying customer needs and desires. One…

A new, free report on digital media and technology use [@SmartInsights statistics alert]

Value: [rating=5] For students, researchers and marketers who need to convince others of the importance of digital media Recommended link: Ofcom 2014 digital communications statistics report If you need hard facts and charts for reports and presentations to convince others of the growing importance of digital communications and technologies in influencing the purchase decision today, the Ofcom Communications report is one of the most comprehensive sources available. That’s why we feature it at number 1 in our Top 10 Free Digital Marketing Statistics sources listing. It’s published each August for the UK and includes an international digital media statistics benchmark in its December edition. The latest update for the UK has just been published and in this post I have selected from the 61(! ) charts available to ask what I think are some of the of the most important questions about…

A review of the Academy of Marketing 2014 Conference

The 2014 Academy of Marketing Conference took place in July in sunny Bournemouth on the south coast of the UK. Over 370 marketing educators from across the world gathered to share and discover the latest academic marketing practices over 3 days, with between 12 to 16 sessions a day! In this post I have compiled what I found to be the most interesting research into digital marketing grouped into different research themes. You can see that research into social media marketing is strongly represented. I hope you find it useful if you're a researcher or a professional or full-time student focusing on online marketing. What was interesting was the convergence between the academic and practitioner standpoints. There is a push to identify ‘managerial implications’ of much of the work being undertaken and here are my highlights:

Online communities

Dr Jan Breitsohl from…

New research shows how different types of content marketing supports brand engagement and purchase in different sectors

Value: [rating=4]

Recommended link: Download InPowered/Nielsen report

With the increasing focus on content marketing, it’s important for marketers to work out how effective different types of content are at different points in the buying process. This new research from Nielsen, commissioned by InPowered shows dramatic differences in the effectiveness of content types across sectors affecting these brand metrics:

Stage 1: Familiarity with a new productStage 2: Affinity toward a brand or productStage 3: Purchase consideration of a brand or product

The research reviews three types of content, credible experts, third-party articles and user-generated content reviews. The importance of this type of content is shown from the statistic that 85% of consumers regularly seek out expert content ­- credible, third-party articles and reviews -­ for products they consider purchasing. The impact of content through the buying…

89% of consumer media time in mobile apps, 11% in mobile web according to latest statistics by Nielsen

Interested in finding out how content consumption has change across media? Whether it's video, apps, text, across linear, digital or mobile? Or how many hours are spent on apps and across which device? Nielsen's research provides insights into US consumers changing media use which can help prompt changes in media investment. See our statistics page for sources for consumer media consumption insight elsewhere, including Ofcom and ONS in the UK and comScore. Nielsen have combined the survey this quarter to look at the integration of mobile and video usage from their mobile insights survey along with metered data through Electronic Mobile Measurement. According to Dounia Turrill, SVP Insights, 'as we create the tapestry of media consumption with its impact and opportunnity for Advertisers, it strikes me that we are in an era of tremendous growth and…

Itamar Simonson explains how digital reviews and recommendations mean that consumers are now better equipped than ever to determine the absolute value of any purchase

According to Simonson, Professor of Marketing at Stanford University, today's consumers have so many new sources of information it's much easier for them to assess the absolute value of things, in other words, to know their likely experience with a product or service. Absolute Value is the title of a new book by Simonson written with Emanuel Rosen, ABSOLUTE VALUE: What Really Influences Customers in the Age of (Nearly) Perfect Information.  In it they argue that consumers today take advantage of three trends: 1. the rise of reviews from other users 2. unprecedented access to expert opinions 3. easy access to friends on social media. In this interview we explore the new reality of the influence of digital media on purchase  and its far-reaching implications on everything from competitive strategy to communication…

...or How real people really buy things

When people are buying something that’s important, expensive, or risky, they don’t generally do it on a whim. They go through a few stages weighing up options and looking at alternatives. Every step on this journey is one where they could lose interest. By plugging gaps between stages, you will generate and retain more profitable customers.

How considered is their buying decision?

People don’t typically go from blissful ignorance to paying customer in one great leap. They go through a series of thought processes along the way. The more important or risky that decision, the more this seems to apply.

At one end of the spectrum there are buying decisions made in a heartbeat. These are either impulse buys driven entirely by emotion or by logic, but rarely both. Those ‘I just had to have it’ moments, like a bunch of flowers or a chocolate bar. Or,…

Nearly 1/3 of UK page views are now from Mobile and Tablets

Value: [rating=5] Recommended link: Free comScore Digital Future in Focus Series March 25th update: A new update covering Europe plus individual reports on France, Germany with Spain to published shortly. Separate reports are also available on Canada and Brazil via the link above. Research provided by comScore is one of key worldwide sources useful for marketers to help us find out about the changes in use of digital media by consumers. Unlike some of the other paid data service providers, comScore gives a good range and depth of free information, which is why we feature it in our online statistics top 10 sources search engine where we recommend checking their Press Releases page which has useful data about individual countries. comScore have a solid methodology based on consumer panels in each country and tagging of media owned and destination sites. You…