Many businesses make the mistake of plunging ahead without due attention to translation quality or write something that proves offensive to the local mindset

Often the most cost-effective way to grow your business is by entering foreign markets. But that's easier said than done. One relatively low-cost key to foreign expansion is successful translation and localization: letting prospective customers know that you speak their language and take into consideration their local culture. We'll consider the challenges and pitfalls of these processes and how to get from here to there most successfully. It’s a cliché that you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. But the fact is that many businesses make the mistake of plunging ahead without due attention to translation quality or write something that proves offensive or inappropriate to the local or cultural mindset. The result can be that your message and meaning is “lost in translation” as…

As much as expanding your business globally is important, you have to make sure you conquer the local market first

Globalization has really transformed how we view our world. Globalization, whether you believe it to be good or bad, has turned the entire world into a single market that people can transact in easily, quickly and cheaply. For many, it's more profitable to run a global business than a national business. As much as expanding your business globally is important, you have to make sure you conquer the local market first. Global success is not something you just wake up to; it requires strategies, opportunism and a bit of luck too. [si_guide_block id="105177" title="Download our Free Resource – Essential guide to effective translation" description="the opportunities for improved businesses outcomes from effective translation of their digital assets are compelling, particularly with the significant growth in smartphone use worldwide."/

Reasons why companies venture…