There are maybe many missing measures in Google Analytics which could be useful, but the one I'm referring to is useful AND is available if you know where to look.

What is the missing measure?

The measure I'm referring to is Second Page Viewed on your site. In this example, I'm looking to see the second page which within the [Visitors:New vs Returning] report. Filtering for New visitors shows me the most important path is visitors going back to the home page. (not set) is the bounces.

How will it help me?

Why would I be interested in that you're thinking - I can see my top entrance or landing pages, that's what really counts. The main reason I find this useful is to do with understanding how site visitors use site-wide navigation. Although you can see a forward path for a page from its navigation summary…
I've recently given three presentations about our passion here at Smart Insights, which is getting the most value from the fantastic customer and market insight available online through tools like Google Analytics and user feedback software. We believe that the majority of managers don't give the right business priority to using analytics for improving performance. Consequently, they're often used for spewing reports which are ignored rather than identifying problems and opportunities for business growth. Our mission, through guidance on this site and consulting work is to help companies get more value from their investments in digital marketing by driving improvements using Google Analytics. Far too much time is wasted exporting, importing and formatting data into dashboards used to run teh business. These presentations suggest some approaches to make analytics more actionable and build them into business processes in a lightweight, integrated way.

Show Me the Money! Driving Commercial Value from Your Analytics

This presentation to…