Using customer insight to improve product/market fit?

Building a brand from scratch...

I have worked on over 20 branding projects – from start-ups to government institutions. And in every case, we needed to know the environment of the brand, the shareholders, the stakeholders, the key influencers and key beneficiaries. I needed to know who will be affected by change and what change in selected part of environment I want to achieve. With brand building at the beginning - there is nothing. I have a piece of paper and a pen. For past couple of years I strived to work in 3 steps. Target (aim of the action) Tool (defining and choosing the best tool) Action (don't think -  act) So if my aim is to: Achieve product/market fit with my brand I have to: Know my product and know the target market and then implement that knowledge. So everything starts with blank piece of paper on which we have to organize the knowledge that we have…