Google Analytics - site benchmarking - compare your site to others in your category for volume and engagement. Google secondary search box - implications for Adwords - a lot of retailers are angry about this - here's why and what you should consider. Google Quality Score - landing page performance to be included - what you can do to advertise more cost-effectively given this upcoming change Google Adwords demographic targeting - demographic targeting is available via the content network. You can also read the Adwords help on demographic targeting …
We have all seen the dramatic improvement in the capabilities of web analytics tools over the last few years, but how should organisations configure their web analytics tools and processes to drive the best insights? In this E-marketing Essentials interview I talk to Gary Angel, a web analytics consultant with extensive experience of web analytics implementation best practice for many organisations. Gary Angel is President and CTO of Semphonic, a a US-based consultancy that specialises in improving web analytics implementations to help companies drive results online. Semphonic's team of analysts provide recommendations on web analytics implementations for the likes of American Express and O'Reilly. Read Gary's blog for more of his insights on web analytics best practice. Q1. What are the major challenges in deploying web analytics in 2008 as you…