What's Hot In Digital: October 2016

The Smart Insights View

Keep up with the latest changes in digital marketing by taking a look at some of the most important blogs, news, updates and resources from the last month.

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The Smart Insights View

Need to know about the latest changes that matter in digital marketing? Here, Dr. Dave Chaffey of Smart Insights gives his personal assessment of the most significant changes this month.

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Top E-commerce Trends to inform your 2017 marketing strategy

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We look at the massive trends shaping the world of ecommerce which will have a huge impact in 2017.

38 Indispensable E-commerce stats to inform your 2017 multichannel sales strategy

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We broke down 38 crucial ecommerce statistics across the RACE framework.

The Lifecycle Marketing Model

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We examine how ecommerce marketers can use the lifecycle marketing model to constantly re-engage and up-sell their customers.

The BIG Platform Changes

To maintain visibility of your brand and grow engagement with your online audiences you need to keep on top of the latest features and algorithm updates big five technology platforms, that's Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. These platforms innovate relentlessly, with new changes daily. We monitor these and here alert you to the changes that really matter so you can assess the relevance of these to you.

Google to divide its index by creating a separate mobile index

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To help marketers understand the ramifications of the Google announcement to their businesses, we asked top SEO experts about how they saw the changes affecting marketers.

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Facebook announced last week that it's let business pages use a series of new 'Call to Actions' to provide users with a seamless mobile experience. Here we look at the new features and how businesses can use them.

Sharing your questions and comments

We're keen to help by answering your questions, so anything that's bugging you do ask via our Answers forum or your preferred social network. Here's the pick of the Q&A for this month - do get involved and share your expertise too!

Any advice for someone moving from a retail background to digital marketing?

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We were asked 'Are there any courses you would recommend? Any advice you can provide would be greatly appreciated.' Do add your thoughts.

Our latest analysis and recommendations for Premium members

To keep Smart Insights members at the cutting-edge of digital we update our content each week as new resources or updates to existing guides, templates or training modules.

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