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Guides and Templates

Brand campaign launch guide

How to plan, launch, and review your campaign to achieve maximum results

How will this guide help me and my business?

Whether you’re working as a brand manager in a large corporation or running your own business, maintaining, building, and growing your brand through new brand-building campaigns and new product launches is an essential activity. It requires a combination of strategic and tactical savvy, often in a very competitive business environment.

In this guide, we'll take you through the essential steps of launching new campaigns for your brand. Building saliency and awareness has never been harder, especially in today’s digital world where consumer attention is at a premium. Managing a brand is a complex task that never ends and no two campaigns are the same.

This guide covers the core pillars for planning brand campaigns that can evolve over time and uses our unique RACE growth system to help structure your campaign. For more insight on how to apply RACE to your strategy and campaign planning, see our Campaign Planning Learning Path.

Who is this guide for?

This guide is for brand managers and anyone who is a major stakeholder in a brand campaign, seeing it through from conception to completion. However, as it is structured as a step-by-step process, different members of brand and communications teams will gain insight from the guide. Content creators and marketing execs can learn from market research and ideation chapters, while project managers will benefit from timeline and planning areas.

How is the guide structured?

This guide takes you through the process of launching a new brand-building or product launch campaign in nine steps:

  1. Market research
  2. Target audience
  3. Objective setting
  4. Agency briefing
  5. Creative development
  6. Media planning
  7. Campaign timeline
  8. Launch and optimize
  9. Review and learn

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About the author

Gavin Llewllyn

Gavin Llewellyn is an independent consultant who has worked in different marketing manager roles where he has been responsible for SEO including financial services, consumer brands and retail.

He is a Chartered Marketer who specializes in digital marketing with a focus on SEO, Social media marketing and online strategy. Gavin blogs at One Too Many Mornings where he offers advice, guidance and ideas on how individuals and companies can use digital marketing effectively to get found online, build engagement and generate conversion.

You can Follow Gavin on Twitter and Google+.

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